Most Powerful Affirmations of All Time | Gratitude Affirmations Practise

Our day to day lives is greatly influenced by the way we think. Both in a positive and in a negative light. Our thoughts produce real wavelengths that reach the universe into our minds and outwards. Being conscious and mindful of the things you think and talk about can have a significant impact on your life.

You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.
― Louise Hay

If you have negative thoughts and feelings about yourself it can overpower you. Such thoughts over time can be consuming and feel like a weight on your shoulders. Try using affirmations to change your thoughts and feel happiness

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are simple, quick phrases that affect the mind and body positively. Affirmations are part of positive thinking and empowerment which helps you to think more positively.

Such Affirmations are signals to your subconscious that generate natural ways of thinking and acting.

Positive words create healing thoughts and thoughts that help you to develop self-confidence and self-esteem and to create peace of mind and inner joy.

Over time, affirmations will help you alter the habit of these negative thoughts coming in autopilot mode repeatedly. This will develop a better attitude and shift your view on the world and, eventually, on yourself.

My suggestion is to repeat each affirmation that you choose 3 times to yourself. Since these affirmations are so powerful I encourage you to practise this every day for at least 21 days. According to experts, it takes 21 days to establish a new habit.

Daily Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is a positive mental state in which one acknowledges and appreciates the blessings in one’s life. Taking the time to express gratitude will make you happier and even healthier, according to studies.

Here are helpful ways to practice gratitude – Daily gratitude journal, 3 things you’re thankful for before bedtime

Take 5-10 minutes per night for the next few days to write down three things for which you are thankful. They can be minor or major in nature. However, you must really need to concentrate on them when writing them down. Also, try to come up with a method to record that works for you, such as a special journal notebook, note on your phone, daily calendar, etc.

You can write a single word or a short sentence, but when you do so, take a moment to think about what you’re writing about. For e.g. visualize the thing or person or event you’re writing about. Try to do this each night for the whole week and see how you feel.

How to use affirmations

Louise Hay, an affirmation and positive thinking expert, suggests that morning is the perfect opportunity to recite your affirmation while gazing at yourself in the mirror. She believes the morning is the time to decide how you want the rest of the day to go.

Oprah Winfrey told Harper’s Bazaar about her daily routine, saying,

“I usually get into bed and I have volumes and volumes of gratitude journals by the side of my bed. The last thing I do before I go to sleep is write five things that gave me great pleasure or that I was grateful for.” — Oprah Winfrey

There are different ways people use affirmations. Some people run them through their minds when negative thoughts come.

If you like journaling you can pick one or two affirmations every day that resonates with you and write them in your diary. I notice that repeating the affirmation to myself progressively helps alter my thinking process overtime during the day.

15 Most Powerful Affirmation of All time for Daily Practise

  1. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life
  2. I welcome happiness into my life
  3. Today I look for and appreciate the good
  4. Something amazing is always on the verge of happening.
  5. I am in tune with the abundant nature of the universe.
  6. I deserve success and happiness
  7. Money comes to me freely both in expected and unexpected ways
  8. My body knows what’s best for my well-being and optimal health.
  9. I am enough and worthy.
  10. My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.
  11. I am grateful that I woke up today and I am in perfect health.
  12. Thank you for giving me another chance to enhance my life today.
  13. I am thankful for my family and friends
  14. I am grateful for my resilience that leads me towards a better tomorrow.
  15.  I am so grateful for my healthy mind, which has the power to heal itself.

Positive Affirmations to Motivate You

  1. My past experiences have strengthened me.
  2. Every day is a fresh start, so I can put my past mistakes behind me.
  3. I am choosing to focus on the solutions to my challenges.
  4. Right now, my life is exactly where it should be.
  5. I am courageous and willing to confront my fears.
  6. My past experiences do not define me.
  7. Today, I’m choosing gratitude, determination, and happiness.
  8. I have the power to control my thoughts, and I choose positivity.
  9. My life is overflowing with contentment and full of peace
  10. I have a happy mind and a grateful spirit.
  11. Today is going to be a wonderful day.
  12. Everywhere I go, I find joy in the little things.
  13. Self-care is a top priority for me.
  14. Every day is a new chance to learn, develop, and spread kindness.
  15. What is meant for me will not be missed.
  16. I respect myself because I am worthy of it.
  17. I’m going to live today with an open mind and heart.
  18. I accept myself for who I am. I am worthy of love
  19. I’ve been blessed with an abundance of wisdom, energy, and resources.
  20. I accept myself fully and wholeheartedly.
  21. I’ve got everything I need to be successful in life.
  22. I’m at ease and calm.
  23. I am grateful for everything that I have.
  24. My life is full of joy and abundance.
  25. I’m proud of myself for all of my achievements, large and small.
  26. I have confidence in my ability to make the right decisions.
  27. I don’t let other people’s views or judgments influence me.
  28. Joy, happiness, and success abound in my life.
  29. Everywhere I go, I find joy in the little stuff.
  30. I am so happy and thankful that everything is working out in my favor.
  31. I am so happy and thankful that my challenges are molding me into a stronger, healthier version of myself.
  32. I’m grateful for today, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
  33.  I am so thankful for the work I do now.
  34. I am so pleased and thankful that the world works for my greater good.

“If you want to change the way you feel about yourself, first you have to change the way you think about yourself”
― Gavin Bird

How to Practise Gratitude

According to research, writing a gratitude letter to someone telling them how they have changed your life and handing it to them in person, which is extremely effective and can boost your happiness for up to 6 months.

For example, think of someone who has made a big difference in your life, but whom you never properly thanked. Write a heartfelt letter to that person, describing how he or she has impacted your life and why they are important to you. Your letter may be as long as you want it to be, but try to keep it under 300 words.

Studies show expressing thanks and gratitude regularly to the people around you has a huge effect on your happiness.

Since it can strengthen social connections and really improve someone’s life, a gratitude letter is one of the most effective tools for increasing happiness.


Practicing gratitude improves productivity and also motivates you to exercise more.

Gratitude can reverse the negative effects of poor communication and help you repair relationships with partners, friends, coworkers, and romantic partners can even save you from divorce.

You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay

If you want to read more about healing affirmations and Louise Hay’s life-changing encounters of positive thinking, Hay’s bestselling book is a great place to begin.

Affirmations: The Power of Affirmations & The Secret to Their Success

This book includes more than 1000 affirmations that you can use on your own as a starting point.

It also includes tips on how to make your affirmation practice more consistent and fun.


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